MEET THE FIND: Pilar Manzanaro of Purple Carrot Nutrition

PurpleCarrot Nutrition - THE FIND

“I am very excited to have discovered THE FIND - such a fantastic idea for those of us who travel with kids quite often. Their handy travel size products make whizzing through airports a doddle”!

Pilar Manzanaro is a registered Nutritional Therapist specialising in stress, women’s health, fertility and family nutrition. Pilar is the founder of PurpleCarrot Nutrition which runs an education programme for schools, talks and events for corporates as well as cooking and nutrition workshops throughout London. She offers private consultations in her London clinic and Worldwide via Skype.

This time of the year; heading into winter we want to support our immune system to keep those runny noses away. As a nutritionist and mum, here are my top 3 recommendations;

Pilar's Top 3 Nutritional Tips for the Season


Ensure plenty of raw fresh fruit and vegetables (apples, carrots, spinach in fresh pesto, citrus fruit, berries) to get a good dose of immune-boosting vitamin C.


Zinc in fish, red meat and nut and seeds can boost antibody production and selenium in Brazil nuts (have you tried grinding them and adding a couple of teaspoons to your morning porridge)? These types of foods can support the cells in your immune system.


Last, and possibly the most important piece of advice I can give anyone in the winter is to cut down sugar because sweets can depress the immune system for up to 5 hours; which decreases its ability to fight off infections.

PurpleCarrot - THE FIND - apples


I was so excited to find out that THE FIND sells one of my favourite brand's, Childs Farm in travel-friendly sizes. I love their body wash and hair products because they are packed with natural ingredients such as coconut and aloe vera, and they have no nasty petrochemicals or SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) that may irritate the skin; which for me is an absolute must, plus the product works really well…Even on my daughter’s tangled up hair after a day at the beach!

Image - Wooden Earth Ltd

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