THE FIND is where you can discover the world’s most innovative, aesthetic and conscious brands on one single platform for all ages, across all categories.

Founded by Caroline Jacobs-Graf, the business grew from her knack of finding the most covetable, beautifully-designed products from brands that are conscious of their impact on the planet. It was from being asked “just where did you find that” many times that that idea for THE FIND was born.

Since that time we’ve grown into a team of FINDERS, dedicated to helping make the switch to using conscious brands intuitive, stylish, creative and fun.

Our Conscious World - From Founder, Caroline Jacobs-Graf

“I created THE FIND as a way to share my passion for innovative, aesthetic and conscious brands. I’ve always had a knack for finding products that I just knew would be covetable, and that you couldn’t find easily. I was asked so many times ‘where did you find that!?’ that I started to bring them all together on one platform and the business was born.

“It’s important that the brands I choose are pushing the boundaries of design, sustainability and innovation – proving that to live a conscious lifestyle you can still keep a cool design aesthetic. It doesn’t have to be drab, or boring! It can be really fun and exciting to shop consciously.

”As we’ve grown, we’re so much more than just the products that we list on THE FIND. I feel very lucky to be part of a thriving community of creative entrepreneurs who all share the same vision. That’s why we use our platform to tell all the amazing artist and founder stories, the charities we work with and our partners that share our ethos. Find out more about them here and in our FIND MAGAZINE.

“We’re creating the conscious store of the future – a blend of conscious commerce, community and content. We cater for all ages, and all budgets. ‘People, planet, profit’ is our guiding mantra. Guided by this, myself and my team are creating a brand new, exciting retail experience that is kinder to the planet. Thank you for supporting us.