100 Stories to Say Thank You. Adam Kay (author of multi-million bestseller 'This Is Going To Hurt') has compiled this excellent collection of love letters to the British National Health Service. 'DEAR NHS' features household names telling their personal stories of the health service. Contributors include Joanna Lumley, Naomie Harris, Kate Tempest, Lee Child, Tanni Grey Thomson, Bill Bryson, Trevor McDonald, Jack Whitehall, Michael Palin, Stanley Tucci and many, many more. All profits from this book will go to NHS Charities Together to fund vital research and projects and the Lullaby Trust which supports parents bereaved of babies and young children.


What is the benefit of sulphate-fee shampoo? A common ingredient to make your shampoo bubbly with a nice foamy texture. Why would conscious shampoo brands avoid using it? Sulphate-free shampoos are seriously popular. When you take a trip to your local Boots you’ll find the sulphate-free hair care section expanding. Not to mention, there’s thousands of fancy products online. So… what’s the problem? Well, sulphates can get trapped in the skin and cause irritation. Because the molecules are so robust, they can’t differentiate between excess oil and natural sebum, so they can accidentally strip too much oil out of the hair, leaving it dry, brittle and susceptible to damage. Read more ...


'THE MOTIVATIONAL ONE' - Ctrl Alt Delete' is right up your street if you like being nosy. With guests ranging from writers, to actors, to politicians and career coaches. Hosted by Emma Gannon, the journalist, broadcaster, lecturer and author of bestselling book, The Multi-Hyphen Method, which extols the empowering nature of a 'hyphenate' carer. No topic is left uncovered as she explores the ways her guests have forged their own career path, often proving others wrong and even surprising themselves in the process.


Grow the right herbs: Replace spice rack staples with homegrown herbs for the freshest meals possible. Growing your own herbs and spices in a garden is a simple way to save money and have the most flavourful food. But which one to choose first?! Read more here.

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